Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Special Person



           (Follow your heart)

life its like a Roller Coaster there is ups and down and you don't know what is coming next . When you met a good caring person you treasure it  and be thankful. As a blogger I don't post much about my personal life... my friends, family or love life cause its just not my style . Please treasure the kind one in your life , love the one's that's love you . Pray for the one who hates you . It don't matter how and where you met that special person in your heart but one thing you have to know is  follow your heart . As Vivi's always say LIVE LIFE FULLY WITH NO REGRET.  You might fall, get hurt , wounded before you find someone in your life . FOLLOW your heart, who care what is right or what is wrong .

A  simple smile is a Simple of life 


  1. Howdy? Finally you upload new picture! but how come only 1 picture Mae ? Can you do some night view of SF? and it's there a good place or must visit in Bay area?

    1. Greeting, I hope all well! First of all those pic above are not my pictures. Credit to the owner of the pictures . When will I do another photo shoot for SF ? I am not sure if I have time but if you look on my blog I do already have some photos of SF and etc . Please give me your feed back. There is a lot to do in SF , Golden , Fisherman WWharf and etc . you can search under activities and must visit : 10 top places in SF. Good bye and thanks .
